
The Way of the Cross

Traditionally, Christians pray the Stations of the Cross during Lent however we may pray this wonderful prayer,…

Annual Stations of the Cross in Maiduguri diocese, Nigeria 2022 (ACN©)

Novena for Christian renewal

A Novena is a Catholic devotional practice consisting of prayers or spiritual exercises repeated for nine consecutive…

40 Days of Prayer

Pray with ACN this Lent, with our special day-by-day prayer videos. Let yourself be led into prayer…

#RedWednesday Planning Sessions

#RedWednesday Planning Session 1 An engaging and informative session for parishes and university groups, to introduce ACN…

Holy Hour for Ukraine

A set of prayers and reflections for our brothers & sisters in Christ from Ukraine.

Parishioners taking shelter at a church run by the Pauline Fathers in the Kyiv suburb of Bowary. © Aid to the Church in Need

Prayers for Ukraine

Thank you for joining us in prayer for our brothers and sisters in Christ who are suffering…

Request a Prayer Card

Persecuted Christians and the Suffering Church around the world are counting on our prayers as they persevere…