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Blessed Carlo Acutis Prayer Card


33 in stock

The official prayer approved by the Bishop of Blessed Carlo's home diocese of Assisi asking for his intercession. On the front of this card is an image of Blessed Carlo Acutis; the prayer on the back reads:

"O God our Father,
we thank you for giving us Carlo,
a model of life for young people,
and a message of love for all.
You made him fall in love with your son Jesus,
making the Eucharist his “highway to heaven.”
You gave him Mary as a beloved mother,
and you made him, through the Rosary,
a cantor of her tenderness.
Receive his prayer for us.
Look above all upon the poor, whom he loved and assisted.
Grant me too, through his intercession, the grace
that I need (mention your intention).
And make our joy full, raising Carlo among
the saints of your Church,
so that his smile shines again for us
to the glory of your name. Amen."

10cm x 7cm