Prayer Candles

Light a candle to remember those in need of our prayers.

Light a candle


Please pray for the repose of the soul of Phyllis D., whose funeral is tomorrow. Much loved, much missed, at peace now. And pray too for the peace of all who knew and still love her.


Dear Mother, please pray to your Son for Emma, her mum and all her family, that all will soon turn out well for them, that they will have peace and know how much they are loved, that Emma will feel supported and encouraged, refreshed and at peace.

Jean Bebbington

We all miss you so much Mum and hope you are having a much deserved rest in Heaven. Lots & lots of love always and forever xxx


Till alla som arbetar med renoveringen av S:ta Maria kyrka i den sjungande dalen i Skellefteå.

ERic lloyd

i ask god to provide me with a soulmate, also provide with better income wear i can use god given talents and keep my disability payment, and its for me to mingle


Give me strength Lord to complete my task in love of you.

Fundraising Sweden

In gratitude for the inspiration of Peter Larsson. May Our Lady bless him and his family.

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Light a candle