Prayer Candles

Light a candle to remember those in need of our prayers.

Light a candle

Suffering Christians

May God and Jesus strengthen and give hope to their suffering children and servants throughout the world.


For all those suffering in Syria.....the Lord is very close to you. Line om Him. Trust Him when all hope seems lost. All will be well .

For those in need

For those who are hungry, cold, homeless, sick, neglected and lonely... who are loosing hope... you are in our prayers. May God bring peace, hope and love in your lives!

Prayer for healing

Prayers for my mum who is in hospital with pancreatitis. That her pain will be under control. That she will make a full recovery.


That my son Liam does well in his exam tomorrow

For Marianne

Most Merciful Saviour Please comfort Marianne whose husband died very suddenly this week and all those who mourn. Thank you, our Loving Friend


For reconciliation where family relationships are broken or fragile.

Poor Syria

Dear Jesus, Through the intercession of Our Lady of Fatima, please bring peace to poor,poor Syria.

Show your support

Light a candle