Prayer Candles

Light a candle to remember those in need of our prayers.

Light a candle

Healing for myself (Christopher)

Most Loving Father, Most Sacred Heart of Jesus my Saviour, Life Giving Holy Spirit and Our Holy Mother Mary, hear my prayer for healing - I have been stuck in an episode of depression for over 2 months - I pray for my healing & positive motivation x

My daughter

Please let Sue have a safe journey and a happy day.With grateful thanks for all the Blessings we have received

Mum and Dad

RIP mum and dad. Remembering you on your wedding anniversary . May you rest in Eternal light. Thanking Our Blessed Lord for giving me wonderful parents.

Protection candle and health candle

I need prayer for good health condition and a clean heart i.went to the emergency room yesterday and found out i.had heart condition im burning this candle to heal my heart and make me in bettet condition can you protect me and heal me from sickness

Spiritual and material Providence

That all those who are seeking work, and otherwise to be fulfilled in life, will receive special graces and blessings. St Joseph thank you for your constant care and intercession!

Martin O’Loughlin

I pray that Martin will be a good father to his children and that he will make good choices in life. I pray that he will be healthy in body and mind. I pray that he finds his vocation in life and finds love, joy, peace and happiness.

Bby Luke

God bless babcy Luke, now in NICU, born yesterday. Heal him for the Your work and make him strong to wear the Armor of CHrist

Gabriel Gillman-Menage

First Message of Our Lady at Garabandal. 18 October 1961. ‘We must make many sacrifices and do much penance. We must often visit the Blessed Sacrament. Most of all, we must lead very good lives. If we do not, we shall be punished....’

Adam and eve Love candle

I want a candle burned for me Schnavain Bolton and Joseph Bolton to be in love on cloud 9 and have the intimacy together that we desire both of us will love no other


That my sons Connor and Liam pass their exams today

Show your support

Light a candle