Prayer Candles

Light a candle to remember those in need of our prayers.

Light a candle

Regina Coeli ora pro nobis

Queen of Heaven, Our Lady of Knock, pray for us. Pray for Ireland and for Catholics throughout the world at this time of trial. Pray that the visit of Pope Francis will bring blessings and hope for all. Amen.

Maureen and Leonard

Our parents, much missed. In gratitude for the gift of faith you passed on. Rest in peace.

For Austin

Austin, we pray for you and hope that you are alive!

Austin & all captives

Dear God, please protect all those who are being held captive. Please can they be freed and sent safely home. Please Holy Spirit, enter the hearts of those who hold people captive and help them to understand that what they are doing is wrong. Amen


Pray for Isabel who is struggling to eat and is malnourished. Dear Lord pray for Isabel my niece

Patricia Marter

For all people who are suffering persecution under evil men (and women). May God be close to them and give them the strength and courage to bear their awful suffering and fear, and that they may feel God's closeness near to them.

AUSTIN and all other hostages

We pray to the Lord for a change of heart in their captors and for their immediate release. We Pray too for their relatives and loved ones that they do not lose heart and trust the Lord.

Show your support

Light a candle