Prayer Candles

Light a candle to remember those in need of our prayers.

Light a candle


Please pray for a lady I met who like many will stop working today and for her sick family who she can’t be with.

For Forgiveness

Please pray for the forgiveness of the souls who, during the English Reformation, lost their while trying to serve God and committed horrors.

Prayer for Protection

Lord protect your people at this challenging time. Watch over them, calm their fears, and lead them to healing. Mary, Our Mother, pray for us. Amen.

More Love

My prayer is that we can all learn to love each other more and to easily forgive and forget all slights and injuries done to us.

For the Intentions of the English Martyrs

Please pray for the Intentions of the English Martyrs during the time of the rededication of my country as Mary's Dowry. Without their self giving this would not be happening.

For all who are suffering.

Please Lord and the Blessed Virgin keep all who are suffering at this moment in your care. Give them strength to persevere and to look to you for guidance and comfort. Amen.

The Sick and those who care for them

We pray for all those effected by the current Coronavirus outbreak and the medical services around the world. May the Lord guard and protect us all and we pray for courage and strength in these troubling times.


For all elderly, vulnerable, poor, persecuted and thus at risk from the Coronavirus pandemic across the entire world

For Priests

Dear God, please be with lonely priests and be their friend. Please give strength and joy to priests in life and take them to yourself upon their death.


To ask Jesus in his Devine Mercy to please help all in the Cathedral and their intentions, and all the prayer candle intensions on the ACN website.


To ask Jesus to please have mercy on the whole world during these terrible times. To ask Jesus also, to please help all of those on the Mass offering intentions. Thank you. Jesus, I trust in you. xxx

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Light a candle