Prayer Candles
Light a candle to remember those in need of our prayers.
Light a candle
Dear Mother, please pray to your Son for dear Christine and Roger, that Christine will soon be completely well again and Roger will be free of anxiety and at peace. Thank you, dear Mother.

Dan Hainey
Heartfelt gratitude for the gift of enduring love that Dan poured out on myself ,children and grandchildren. He gave us the precious gift of his life. Thank you Eternal Father Beloved Son and Holy Spirit. Thankyou Mary and Joseph.

Ruby Nugent
RIP to my sister in law and aunt. Eternal rest grant unto her O Lord and let perpetual light shine upon her. May she rest in Peace. Michael and Alice & Family

Thank you
Dear Lord, Father and Friend to us all, I pray from my heart for the lovely Muslim who has offered a prayer candle here (below) in solidarity for persecuted Christians. May they be richly rewarded. And thank you, dear Muslim friend.

For Jackie
Dearest Mother - please pray to your Son for Jackie, that she will have an inspiring night out tonight as an observer with the Bristol Street Pastors, and will want to join this wonderful ecumenical way of showing the love of Christ for those in need