ACN Benefactors’ Day 2024

This Benefactors’ Day, we at ACN want to express our heart-filled gratitude for everything you do to make our work possible.

ACN’s Benefactors’ Day is a special day dedicated to you – the family of God who make the work that we do possible. Through you, our gracious benefactors, ACN is able to help spread God’s love and so on this day we try to let you know how much your support means to us, and to the lives of those you have touched through prayer, Masses, gifts and your regular support. This year we are especially grateful for your support for our projects in Ukraine, Holy Land and Liberia and our upcoming Appeals.

Messages from ACN

Our Rosaries for you

Feast of the Sacred Heart – Holy Masses for you

We celebrate ACN’s Benefactor’s Day on The Feast of the Sacred Heart of Christ, which celebrates Christ’s unending love for all of mankind. It is this love that we see through the faith and actions of you, our benefactors in helping our brothers and sisters worldwidepeople you have never met, in countries you may never have visited. Please do not underestimate just how much you are making an impact.

Thanks to you, we are able to work in over 140 countries around the world funding over 5,000 projects – none of this would be possible without you.

Sister Anne-Marie Kaboré from Burkina Faso sings a “Thank you” song to the benefactors of ACN

Today, on this Feast of the Sacred Heart, Bishops and priests all over the world will be offering Holy Mass for you and you families and ACN UK and all other ACN Offices will be joining them in prayer as a token of our deep gratitude for all that you do for the persecuted and suffering Church. Thank you!