Prayer Vigil as part of the National Week of Prayer

Join us as we partner with Open Doors for a 12 hour prayer vigil for the global church. The vigil will run from 8am-8pm on 19 October at St Andrew by the Wardrobe and you are welcome to join for all or part of the day. ACN will lead prayer from 2-3pm with a prayer focus on the unity of the church.

You can find out more and book your place for the prayer vigil here

The vigil is part of the National Week of Prayer being promoted across the UK and Ireland. The mission statement for NWoP is: ‘As the Body of Christ, we are gathering across the UK and beyond; to humble ourselves, repent and pray for lives to be transformed by Jesus, and to see a spiritual awakening in our nations.’

We are seeing unprecedented levels of persecution against Christians around the globe.  At this time of great turmoil for the world politically, culturally, economically and spiritually, we want to pray passionately for church leaders, for the next generation of Christians, for unity and for courage to stand strong and to continue to be a beacon of light and hope for all.

In 2024 elections will be held in at least 97 countries, including our own.  That means nearly half of the global population will vote, and at least 97 countries will experience the ensuing churn – either because the Government is changing or because it is not.  In the midst of this we know that God is in control.  The Bible tells us that “God reigns over the nations”. Psalm 47:8

In the midst of all the turmoil we think God is reminding us: “Return to me and I will return to you”.  Zech 1:3

Find out more about the National Week of Prayer here.