NEWS BRIEFING: Widow of Pakistan mob attack victim dies
Alla Rakhi, the widow of the Nazir Gill Masih, has died. Their family home in Sargodha was…
NEWS BRIEFING: Yet another Nigerian priest is kidnapped
Father Mikah Suleiman, the parish priest of St Raymond Damba Church in Damba, Gasau, Zamfara State was…
INTERNATIONAL: Charity raises £121 million to help Christians in need
Catholic charity Aid to the Church in Need (ACN) completed 5,573 projects in 138 countries last year,…
DRC: Bishop calls on authorities to end killings after latest slaughter
A Congolese bishop has made a fresh plea for the country’s leaders to stop the armed conflict…
LEBANON: Church scrambling to help people living ‘in a state of war’
Renewed prayers for an end to the conflict in the Middle East are urgently needed – according…
NEWS BRIEFING: Gunmen abduct Nigerian priest and parishioner
Unidentified armed men kidnapped a Catholic priest and another individual Sunday (16th June) morning after Mass in…
PAKISTAN: Pakistani human rights body calls for “swift and impartial justice” following mob killing of Christian man
Christians in Pakistan have demanded Punjab officials bring to justice the perpetrators of the brutal attack on…
SUDAN: Priest and Sisters caring for malnourished IDPs amid ‘unimaginable destruction’
A priest is helping Sisters care for hungry and traumatised internal refugees who have fled their homes…
NEWS BRIEFING: Kidnapped Nigerian priest released
A Catholic priest abducted from his parish in Kaduna State, north-west Nigeria on Sunday (9th June) was…
NEWS BRIEFING: Another Nigerian priest abducted
Unknown assailants kidnapped a Catholic priest from his parish in Kaduna State, north-west Nigeria on Sunday (9th…
IRAQ: Christian community still needing help 10 years after Mosul invasion
On the 10th anniversary of Daesh (ISIS) seizing Mosul – heralding its invasion of the Nineveh Plains…
NIGERIA: Church ‘always full’ two years after massacre despite lack of justice
Two years on, terrorists suspected of murdering more than 40 worshippers during Pentecost Sunday Mass in south-west…