INTERNATIONAL: World community looks on while Christian persecution worsens
The persecution of Christians is worse than at any time in history – but it is being…

BELARUS: ‘The Catholic Church is not demanding any privileges – only its rights.’
A leading bishop in Belarus has spoken out against numerous violations of the Catholic Church’s rights in…

BURMA: Cardinal defends Aung San Suu Kyi
Burma (Myanmar)’s most senior Catholic bishop has expressed support for Daw Aung San Suu Kyi – despite…

IRAQ: Christians’ future threatened by referendum crisis
Church leaders in northern Iraq have issued a stark warning that the crisis triggered by last week’s…

SYRIA: Country consecrated to Jesus and Mary in peace bid
Christian leaders across Syria have joined with the faithful to consecrate the country to the hearts of…

IRAQ: Cardinal highlights threat to Christianity
Pope’s top minister thanks ACN for helping faithful ‘endure’ persecution The Vatican’s Secretary of State has warned…

INTERNATIONAL: Speaking up for Suffering Christians
Christian leaders who close to the front line of persecution are coming to the UK next month…

RUSSIA: God’s love crosses boundaries
Returning from Russia, the UK head of a leading Catholic charity has revealed life-changing ecumenical projects helping…

SRI LANKA: Sister Wilma pops in to say ‘thank you’ to ACN
A nun who heads a convent in Sri Lanka has thanked a leading Catholic charity for help…

SYRIA: “Our job is to stand by the sick”
Sisters caring for Syria’s sick and wounded throughout five years of heavy bombardment have received essential medical…

IRAQ: Celebrations mark return of Christians to Nineveh
About 500 Christian families – up to 2,500 people – celebrated their long-awaited homecoming to Iraq’s Nineveh…

CUBA: The chapel fell, but not the Church
A leading Catholic bishop in Cuba has described the damage in the parts of his diocese devastated…