EGYPT: Coptic Pope: ‘Help our faithful to stay’
The head of the Coptic Orthodox Church has called on a Catholic charity to redouble its efforts…

IRAQ: “Help families home now – or Christianity could disappear from the country”
Christianity will be reduced to a token presence in Iraq – unless more families are given aid…

BULGARIA: Church teaches Romany youth how to break poverty trap
Salesian Father Martin Jilek, who works in the Romany (Gypsy) neighbourhood of Stara Zagora city, Central Bulgaria,…

IRAQ: “Daesh have robbed and demolished every church”
A Christian woman has spoken of her heartbreak seeing Mosul’s desecrated churches – and remains fearful of…

SYRIA: New soles for Syrian souls
450 elderly people receive new shoes – thanks to ACN More than 450 of the poorest elderly…

INTERNATIONAL: ACN-backed film nominated for Oscar
Short film honours Muslims who stood up to extremists bent on killing Christians A film – produced…

EL SALVADOR: Honouring the memory of Church martyrs
Martyrs of El Salvador are remembered in “Witnesses of the Gospel”, a series of 14 books –…

SYRIA: When the sky turned black with bombs
Sister tells of narrow escape as bombs “rain down” A religious Sister in Damascus has told how…

SOUTH SUDAN & DRC: Bishop backs day of prayer
A highly respected Sudanese bishop is supporting the Holy Father’s call to pray and fast for peace…

SCOTLAND: Muslim Scottish government minister gives up Irn-Bru for Lent to help persecuted Christians
A Muslim Scottish government minister is giving up Irn-Bru this Lent to raise money for Christians suffering…

SYRIA: “I decided to risk my life and finish my degree”
Students from Syria have described how they put their lives on the line to continue their studies…

IRAQ: Charity gives aid to repair 2,000 homes for Christians
Christians forced out of their ancestral lands in northern Iraq are rejoicing after a leading Catholic charity…