IRAQ: Step up security to protect us from Islamist extremists – says bishop
Syriac-Orthodox Archbishop Timotheus Mousa Al Shamani from Iraq (© ACN) As Daesh (ISIS) launches a…

NICARAGUA: Cardinal condemns government attacks
As crisis continues in Nicaragua, the president of the country’s Bishops’ Conference has spoken out against the…

IRAQ: ‘We would be lost without our fellow Christians in the West’
Christians in the West have played a crucial role in reviving communities in Iraq ravaged by extremists…

NIGERIA: Extremists with ‘sophisticated weapons kill families, burn houses and destroy crops’, says archbishop
Archbishop Ignatius Kaigama of Jos, Plateau State (© Aid to the Church in Need) Militant…

CAR: Bishops call for peace as another priest shot dead
© Fr. Aurelio Gazzera A member of the rebel militia group Séléka The Vicar…

NIGERIA: Bishop – Threat of genocide against Christians
Prelate calls on West to act over “ethnic cleansing” A bishop in Nigeria has warned of the…

UK: Bridget and Caroline step out for persecuted Christians
Staff from the North West Office of Catholic charity Aid to the Church in Need are walking…

INDIA: Christians protest amid surge in attacks by Hindu extremists
A senior Church figure in India has praised Christians for refusing to resort to violence when protesting…

UK: Government must do more to stop persecution
ACN News Briefing UK foreign policy must prioritise action to stem the tide of increasing persecution against…

NIGERIA: Bishop – Militants’ master plan to wipe out Christianity
Who is funding terror groups killing Christians? Why can’t the government protect lives? ISLAMIST nomadic herdsmen are…

UK: Concert at Buckingham Palace raises money for Aid to the Church in Need
Ecumenical event unites Chapel Royal and Sistine Chapel choirs Buckingham Palace was the setting for a historic…

CAR: Priest witnesses Church attack – at least 19 killed
Father Moses Otii next to bullet holes in Our Lady of Fatima Catholic Church,…