UKRAINE: Convents pledge to pray for peace
Around the world, convents and monasteries have pledged to offer up their prayer and fasting on Ash…

UKRAINE: Testimonies of terror
Senior clergy in Ukraine – including a bishop sheltering in a bunker – have given a leading…

UKRAINE: Witnessing to hope amid bombardment
Leading clergy in Ukraine have given poignant first-hand accounts of ministering to people terrified for their lives…

UKRAINE: Charity rolls out emergency aid
A Catholic charity is set to despatch €1 million in immediate emergency aid as Ukraine descends into…

UKRAINE: Church preparing to help refugees
A Roman Catholic prelate in Ukraine has said that the Church is praying for a peaceful solution…

UKRAINE: Church helping crisis-hit country
As growing numbers of Russian troops amass on the border of Ukraine, the leader of the country’s…

BLOG: Russian coup defeated by Good News Radio
August 2021 marks the 30th anniversary of the historic coup carried out by the Soviet military and…

BLOG: Sisters in Siberia supporting the people during the COVID-19 crisis
Very few have fallen ill, but all who live in the million-strong west Siberian city of Novosibirsk…

RUSSIA: Nativity’s pro-life message alive in the country
Aid to the Church in Need is helping vulnerable women and their unborn children in Russia –…

RUSSIA: God’s love crosses boundaries
Returning from Russia, the UK head of a leading Catholic charity has revealed life-changing ecumenical projects helping…