India Appeal

Christian brothers and sisters in India need our prayers and support more than ever, as attacks on Christians continue to rise in different parts of the country. Learn more about the projects ACN are doing in India to help the Christian communities in the country.

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Our podcast series which aims to give a voice to individuals who have suffered for their Christian faith and those advocating for them. The topics range from stories of courage and hope in the face of religious freedom violations, to historical overviews of Christian persecution and present-day parliamentary advocacy aiming to bring about positive change.

ACN's Break the Silence podcast

Latest News

  • INTERNATIONAL: Charity raises £121 million to help Christians in need

    Catholic charity Aid to the Church in Need (ACN) completed 5,573 projects in 138 countries last year, according to figures just out. The international organisation committed to supporting persecuted and other suffering Christians received donations and legacies from almost 360,000 benefactors in 23 countries. In total, around the world the charity raised £121.5 million (€143.7m), […]

    Regina Lynch at the opening of the new ACN national office in Slovakia in 2017.
  • DRC: Bishop calls on authorities to end killings after latest slaughter

    A Congolese bishop has made a fresh plea for the country’s leaders to stop the armed conflict following the massacre of around 150 people – including at least 80 Christians – by an Islamist rebel group earlier this month. Denouncing the “serious and ongoing violations of human dignity” on Tuesday (18th June), Bishop Melchisedec Sikuli […]

    The aftermath of an attack on a hospital in DRC in 2022.

Upcoming Events

  • 50 years in Liberia: ACN Talks with Fr Garry Jenkins

    Holy Mass @ 6:00pm • Celebrants: Fr Garry Jenkins, Society of African Missions and Fr Dominic Robinson SJ ’50 years in Liberia: ACN Talk with Fr Garry Jenkins’ @ 7:00 – 8:30pm • Join us after Mass for a lively conversation as ACN’s John Pontifex & Fr Dominic find out more about Fr Garry Jenkins […]

    Father Garry Jenkins with Bishop Andrew Karnley in St Dominic mission in Tubmanburg, Liberia
  • ACN Pilgrim Paths

    Thank you for everyone that has signed up, there are no longer any space available as the pilgrimage is now full. Please keep an eye on our events page, social media, and e-news on news about any new upcoming ACN pilgrimages and events. ACN is travelling the pilgrim paths of the early church in Durham, […]

    ACN Central Pilgrimage Booklet

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